Wednesday, 21 October 2015


I was always fascinated by fairy tales, but neither by the beauty of the romance, nor by the happy-ever after. I am fascinated by the way we credit fairy tales as a clone to reality, while in actual fact they are mirrored events of our parallel universe. I mean if fairy tales with happy endings were really reality why don't we categorize them as fiction and not as biographical?
This however is not the focal point of this post. I  have become greatly fascinated by villains. Why do they act the way they do? Why don't we ever see the villain being victorious? In fairy tales the good always win. In reality  the villain sometimes succeed.

I have found it to be true that your are your own worst enemy. we are more often than not the reason for our own misery, our own disappointment, our own failure. And then don't we just love blaming others.
It was only recently that i discovered this about myself. I somehow became trapped in a box where on the one side I am utterly frustrated because I want my voice to be heard. On the other hand I fear the destruction which is associated with what I have to say. This forced silence has cost me a great deal already.For example a captaining position over a sports team, head student leader, even happiness. I was approached by a mother-like figure who began to notice my silence and began to question the origin.

I couldn't help but think of the fairy tale "the little mermaid", who lost her voice to the sea witch. Who was the witch who held me captive? I discovered that it is my own fear that has victimized me and held me captive. I was my own villain.

Despite the probability of a happy ending being slim to none we still tell fairy tales, because they offer a sense of hope that the hero can still defeat the villain...

It is however, as they say The villain might have succeeded this time, but the hero will be back and next time it would be greater than ever!

Penny for a thought

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